Opportunities for you!
We are focused on helping youth around the world shine and give them the opportunities to make a meaningful change! All our opportunities are open to youth and are easy to get involved in! They are all made to suit current pandemic regulations so you'll never even have to leave your room to make a difference! From building educational syllabuses for rural orphanages in Africa to helping spread our mission through social media! Here are some of our exciting projects!
HH Syllabus
For those who like to work behind the scenes and help educate children in rural areas about important topics!
Short term, structured,
includes deadlines
The HH syllabus is a digital textbook project, aimed at helping children in rural communities access more efficient education! It will benefit orphanages during the COVID pandemic where all rural schools have been closed, and children at these orphanages aren't receiving education on a daily basis. Now caretakers can assist them with our syllabus which will keep them learning even during the pandemic! It is sent to staff at orphanages or other establishments that are currently associated with HH and used by them to teach children currently living there. It will cover topics and subjects that will help youth improve their lives from math and physics to mental health and sustainable living! They will be able to download the pdfs of the content onto their devices and use them to teach. This takes less internet and can be used during power outages which makes it much more resourceful than creating videos and allows for staff members who haven't had a completed education to learn too!
HH Education
For those who want to teach their passions or important topics to help inspire, educate, and protect others!
Self-paced, no deadlines, no commitment
HH education is the humanities hearts youtube channel. This YouTube channel was created to specifically help less fortunate children in suburban areas who have access to technology but are limited by their surroundings. Children and youth in these situations often have little to no involvement outside of school and this significantly decreases the potential passion and community involvement each of them possesses.
With this project, of passionate youth from around the world educating and inspiring we hope to help uplift youth in less fortunate communities and give them the opportunity to find what they truly love.
Become a HH Activist
No commitment, work on your own schedule
For those with a lot on their plate but still want to help out by sharing our message to people around them!
As an activist, you would help improve your community by having more youth in your community volunteer for HH. Since it's an independent volunteering activity you can choose to get a single person involved or your entire school!
You help us expand our reach and impact through your networks (friends, peers, followers). Helping us get more volunteers for our projects, fellow activists, branches, and social media exposure!
Opening a HH Branch (chapter)
For those who want to improve their community and help HH improve its impact
Responsibilities, work with others, self paced
Branches (chapters) at HH are part of our global mission to inspire, create, protect, and educate. These branches operate as part of the organization but with a twist of their own unique touch! Branches can be set up by two people or a group in a school, college, or community.