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Welcome to the HH SYLLABUS 

For those who like to work behind the scenes and help educate children in rural areas about important topics!

Short term, structured,

includes deadlines

What is it

The HH syllabus is a digital textbook project, aimed at helping children in rural communities access more efficient education! It will benefit orphanages during the COVID pandemic where all rural schools have been closed, and children at these orphanages aren't receiving education on a daily basis. Now caretakers can assist them with our syllabus which will keep them learning even during the pandemic! It is sent to staff at orphanages or other establishments that are currently associated with HH and used by them to teach children currently living there. It will cover topics and subjects that will help youth improve their lives from math and physics to mental health and sustainable living! They will be able to download the pdfs of the content onto their devices and use them to teach. This takes less internet and can be used during power outages which makes it much more resourceful than creating videos and allows for staff members who haven't had a completed education to learn too! 


  How it works

  • Our team creates a section of topics in particular subjects and subunits for lessons to be created at the start of every session. For example 



  • Adding within 20 using place value blocks

  • Adding with arrays + arrays in word problems

  • Adding three numbers

  • Breaking apart three digit addition problems (like writing 189+608 as 1 hundred + 6 hundreds + 8 tens + 0 tens + 9 ones + 8 ones instead)



Most of these are taken from trusted resources to help them have a better understanding of their schoolwork. 

  • Volunteers can pick and choose the topics they'd like to create a lesson on by placing their name in the intended box on the subject document. 

  • Once you've got your topic you will typically be given 1-2 weeks to complete it.

  • Once completed you send us an email with the link to your google docs so our team can access it! And start reviewing!


How its sent 


All branches associated with HH are sent pdfs of the compiled worksheets and content which they then use at their own disposal. 

How it's used 


Due to the level of education in these communities and the staff to youth ratio at establishments all topics are taught in multigrade forms. This means a topic like multiplication could be taught to children in grades 4-7.

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